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Chapter 7: Homes

7.1 Fixing Our Broken Housing Market (2017) is the government’s housing white paper setting out plans to reform the housing market and boost the supply of new homes in England. National planning policy requires that local plans are a major element of that fix. In particular, local plans must provide for sufficient new homes to meet household projections and to bring the housing market into a better balance between supply and demand. Further requirements are ensuring an appropriate mix of homes and bringing forward high quality new neighbourhoods in sustainable locations at increased pace.

7.2 Housing provision is embedded into the draft GESP vision, guiding big, cross-boundary decisions about the location and scale of new development and aiming to create great places to live prosperous and healthy lives.

7.3 The draft policies of this chapter include:

  • A housing delivery target of 53,260 homes (2,663 per year) between 2020-2040 to include affordable homes (numbers to be decided), 5,000 custom and self build homes and 116 for the gypsy and traveller communities
  • Targets for the provision of new homes in future local plan reviews
  • A requirement for quality new places by ensuring that new homes are accessible

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