A plan for the future of the area
***Latest News***
In light of the decision taken by East Devon District Council to withdraw from the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, and by Mid Devon District Council to commit to prepare a revised joint plan, the Draft Policy and Site Options consultation in September will no longer be proceeding. Discussions are ongoing between the partner authorities to consider the options for potential future joint planning work. More information will be provided when it is available.
Consultation stages
We will prepare the plan using the following steps:
Issues (Regulation 18) | Complete
Comments were invited on the scope and content of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan and the key issues facing the area. Feedback will shape the first draft of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan which will be consulted in 2019.
Draft Policies and Site Options (Cancelled) | Pending
The Draft Policies and Site Options consultation was set to include draft policies, development locations and supporting information, based on feedback from Stage One alongside evidence gathering.