Call for sites
A call for sites for the Greater Exeter area ran from 27 February to 10 April 2017. This call for sites provided an opportunity for agents, developers and landowners to promote land for housing or economic development within the Greater Exeter area through the planning process.
We received over 700 submissions to the Call for Sites. The development potential of the submitted sites will be assessed using this methodology. The assessment of larger strategic sites in being undertaken by the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Team and the results will be published in a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) alongside the draft Greater Exeter Strategic Plan in due course. The assessment of smaller sites will be undertaken by East Devon, Exeter City, Mid Devon and Teignbridge District Councils (as relevant), who will publish the results in HELAAs that support their respective Local Plans.
Further Calls for Sites may be undertaken to inform the individual Local Plans of East Devon, Exeter City, Mid Devon and Teignbridge Councils.
Further questions?
Please refer to the Guidance Note. If you have remaining questions regarding the Call for Sites, please contact