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Policy GESP1: Sustainable Development

In planning for the future of the Greater Exeter area, Local Planning Authorities and Neighbourhood Planning bodies will deliver sustainable development and resilience through the preparation and implementation of development plan documents which:

  1. Help build a strong, responsive, competitive economy across the Greater Exeter area
  2. Support strong, vibrant and healthy communities, both urban and rural
  3. Protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment

Policies in local plans and neighbourhood development plans should take local circumstances into account, to reflect the character, needs and opportunities of each area. 

4.4 The GESP includes a draft vision of the kind of place we are trying to achieve. The components of the draft GESP vision provide the local expression of delivering sustainable development as identified in the National Planning Policy Framework and include the overarching economic, social and environmental threads from which all the other draft policies in the GESP can flow.

4.5 Draft policy GESP1 provides a basis for Local Planning Authorities and neighbourhood planning bodies to develop their own locally based policies that contribute towards sustainable development and address important local Such policies will reflect local matters and therefore may differ across urban and rural areas.


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