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Policy GESP7: Suitable Areas for Onshore Wind Development

Proposals for onshore wind development will be supported where, taking account of the climate change benefits of the proposal:

  1.  The proposal lies within the ‘areas identified as suitable for onshore wind development’ as shown on the policies map [policies map to be published with the next version of the GESP]
  2. There is no unacceptable impact on residential amenity from noise, vibration, visual intrusion and shadow flicker effects
  3. There is no unacceptable landscape and visual impact, including cumulative impact
  4. There is no unacceptable harm to the significance of heritage assets and their settings
  5. There is no likely significant effect or no adverse effect on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites
  6. There are no significant adverse impacts on air traffic operations, radar and air navigational installations
  7. Provision has been made for the removal of the facilities and reinstatement of the site when it has ceased to be operational

5.17 The National Planning Policy Framework requires suitable areas for new wind development to be clearly identified in the development plan (local plan or neighbourhood development plan) and have the backing of local communities. Whilst the scale of onshore wind resource available in the Greater Exeter area is constrained in comparison with solar PV, there are areas of unexploited potential. Draft policy GESP7 therefore seeks to identify suitable areas for onshore wind developments in order to make best use of this resource, whilst ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed satisfactorily. We also encourage local communities to develop their own wind energy proposals, through neighbourhood development plans, the benefits of which can include community ownership, revenue, and local jobs.



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